Keeping Your Business Carpet Fresh

06/14/2013 09:40


Given how busy families are these days, they don't always have time to vacuum and clean their own carpets. It's a pretty time-consuming activity that can be physically exhausting to boot. So what do they do? Hire a carpet-cleaning service, of course. Take a day out of the house, say at the beach of the park of some other relaxing locale, and when you come back your home is fresh and clean. Pay the service and wham, bam, thank you ma'am.

Of course, it isn't that simple for a business. Commercial properties have larger carpets, and your run-of-the-mill carpet-cleaning services simply don't have the manpower or resources to complete projects of that size – or on the regular basis that commercial properties require.

That's why there are commercial carpet cleaning companies. A commercial carpet cleaning company specializes in commercial properties, handling several large contracts at a time and regularly returning to do the jobs. Commercial carpet cleaning is actually a huge business – you need to maintain a clean, presentable, and professional workplace, after all! – and it isn't hard to find a suitable service in your area if you look hard enough.

Commercial office carpet cleaning isn't the only kind of carpet cleaning. Commercial can mean offices, but it can also mean the sales floor; if you've carpets in your business where clients enter and make purchases, it is even more important that your carpets are clean and presentable to them. If your carpets are dirty, smelly, or otherwise unfit for transacting business upon, your clients will take note.

Given how important commercial carpet cleaning is, and how big a job it often is, you might wonder if commercial carpet cleaning rates are unreasonably high. Certainly, some less scrupulous commercial carpet cleaning companies will charge a business outrageous rates if they can get away with it, but that's true of any service. Instead, go to other businesses whose environment you admire and find out who cleans their carpets. They almost certainly have a business relationship with a high-quality, affordable carpet cleaning service.

Of course, having a carpet cleaning service doesn't give your employees free reign to spill coffee and crumbs all over the carpet. Behaving appropriately in the office should always be a priority! You will, however, be able to look forward to fresh, clean carpets every month, without concerning yourself over why the soles of your shoes are sticky, or what that spot is and where it came from.